Sports Hall
St Teresa’s School
Beech Avenue
Surrey RH5 6ST
You can also find us using what3words (
We are seeking new members to join our club so why not come along and give it a try.
We would not recommend this club to beginner or novice level players. Similarly, county or professional level players would likely find the club not sufficiently challenging.
If you are unsure whether your playing standard would be suitable, please reach out to us via the contact page and we will happily discuss this further. Our aim is to ensure that everyone who attends has an enjoyable experience.
Whilst feather shuttles are slower than plastic shuttles, they have much better accuracy and also gives much greater control, particularly when playing net shots.
We currently have a men’s team playing in Division 1 of the East Surrey Badminton Association (ESBA) league, and are planning to field a further mixed and men’s team as the club expands.
Club venue
St Teresa’s School
Beech Ave
Surrey RH5 6ST
01372 812001
07711 563481